



We provide the most accurate and reliable advice on all topics related with tariff classification of goods, especially in the areas of chemical products and textile products.

You can get a Tariff Classification Opinion from us by doing the entire process online, following this link.

We also prepare Tariff Classification Studies that allow you to know the tariff classification applicable to your products, with all the technical-tariff support. You can submit your request to us for the preparation of a Tariff Classification Study by doing the entire process online, following this link.

Binding Rulings

We can manage for you with the USA customs authorities the issuance of binding pre-entry decisions for tariff classification, marking of country of origin, etc.


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Promotions valid until November 15, 2024.

Textile Merceology

HS Textile Merceology

By L.V.A. Julio M. Carbajal

This book includes all the explanations to learn how to find the tariff classification of textile products such as fibers, yarns, and warp and weft fabrics, as well as knitted fabrics, not only in Section XI of the Nomenclature, but also in other chapters where they are likely to be classified, such as, for example, 39, 40, 68 and 70.

In addition to the specific classification techniques for each class of products, supported by the analysis of the provisions that affect them, such as the Legal Notes, heading texts and Explanatory Notes, the book is enriched with photographs and illustrations that graphically reinforce the concepts studied and analyzed from the merceological point of view.

It also includes synoptic tables and classification tables, to facilitate daily tasks. Practical cases developed in detail have also been included, and more than 65 evaluation questions so that the reader can verify that what has been studied has been understood and learned.

Plastified cover.
18.9 x 24.58 cm.
186 Pages

$35.00 USD + $15.00 shipping.

Clasificación Arancelaria de Productos Textiles

Por L.V.A. Julio M. Carbajal

Plastified cover.
18.9 x 24.6 cm.
192 Pages.

$29.00 USD + $15.00 shipping.

Introducción a la Clasificación Arancelaria de las Mercancías, 5a Edición

Por L.V.A. Julio M. Carbajal

Este libro incluye en sus nueve capítulos todas las explicaciones que permiten aprender a clasificar arancelariamente las mercancías de manera sistemática y certera, redactadas en forma didáctica y amena.

Contiene, además de conceptos generales, técnicas específicas de clasificación, así como ilustrativos ejemplos de aplicación de las diversas normas que permiten determinar la clasificación arancelaria de las mercancías, con cuadros sinópticos e imágenes, y autoevaluaciones que ayudan al lector a medir los conocimientos adquiridos.

One book.
Plastified cover.
21.6 x 27.9 cm.
146 Pages.

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